Error in gzfile(file, “rb”) : cannot open the connection

Error in gzfile(file, “rb”) : cannot open the connection

This error message typically occurs when there is an issue with opening a connection to a compressed file using the gzfile() function in a programming language, such as R.

Possible Causes:

  • The file you are trying to open does not exist in the specified location.
  • The file is being used by another process and is locked.
  • The file is corrupted or in a format that gzfile() cannot handle.


To solve this error, you can consider the following solutions:

  1. Check file existence: Verify that the file you are trying to open actually exists in the specified path. Double-check for any spelling mistakes or incorrect file paths. You can use file.exists() function in R to check if the file exists.
  2. Verify file permissions: Ensure that the file you are trying to access has proper read permissions. If the file is being used by another program or process, make sure it is not locked. Close any other applications that might be accessing the file.
  3. Check file format: Verify if the file you are trying to open is in a format that gzfile() can handle. This function is specifically used to open gzip compressed files. If the file is not compressed or in a different compression format, you need to use a different function or approach to open it.


Let’s consider an example where we have a file named “data.csv.gz” located in the “C:/Documents” directory. We want to open and read this compressed CSV file using gzfile() function in R.

    # Set file path
    file_path <- "C:/Documents/data.csv.gz"
    # Check file existence
    if (file.exists(file_path)) {
      # Open the connection to the compressed file
      file_conn <- gzfile(file_path, "rb")
      # Read the contents of the file
      data <- read.csv(file_conn)
      # Close the file connection
      # View the data
    } else {
      # File does not exist
      print("File not found!")

In this example, we first check if the file exists using file.exists() function. If the file exists, we open a connection to the compressed file using gzfile() function with "rb" mode (read-binary). After reading the contents of the file using read.csv(), we close the file connection using close().

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