Error: failed prop type: the prop `href` expects a `string` or `object` in ``, but got `undefined` instead. open your browser’s console to view the component stack trace.

The error message “failed prop type: the prop `href` expects a `string` or `object` in ``, but got `undefined` instead” usually occurs when the `href` prop value passed to a `` component is undefined.

To fix this error, you need to make sure that you provide a valid value for the `href` prop. The `href` prop expects a string or an object as its value.

Here are a few examples of how you can correctly use the `href` prop in the `` component:

Example 1: Using a string value for `href`

      <link href="/styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />

In this example, the `href` prop is assigned a string value “/styles/main.css”. You should replace “/styles/main.css” with the actual URL or file path of the stylesheet you want to apply to your HTML document.

Example 2: Using an object value for `href`

      const cssStyles = {
         href: "/styles/main.css",
         rel: "stylesheet"

      <link {...cssStyles} />

In this example, we define an object `cssStyles` that contains the `href` and `rel` properties with their respective values. This object is then spread into the `` component using the spread operator `{…cssStyles}`. This allows us to pass multiple props to the `` component without having to manually assign each prop.

Make sure to replace “/styles/main.css” with the actual URL or file path of the stylesheet you want to apply to your HTML document.

By providing a valid value for the `href` prop in the `` component, you should be able to resolve the “failed prop type” error in your application.

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