Error error: provided data source did not match an array, observable, or datasource

An error occurred: error error: provided data source did not match an array, observable, or datasource. This error message typically occurs when trying to use data from an invalid or unsupported source in a web application.

Let’s dive into the possible reasons for this error and discuss potential solutions.

Possible Reasons for the Error

  1. Data Source is Not an Array: The data source provided to the application is not an array. Arrays are commonly used to store and manipulate data in JavaScript, and many libraries and frameworks expect data in array format.
  2. Data Source is Not Observable: Some frameworks, such as Angular, use observables to handle data flow. If the data source is not an observable, it might result in this error.
  3. Data Source is Invalid: The data source might be invalid or corrupted, causing the error. This could be due to issues during data retrieval, parsing, or manipulation.

Potential Solutions

Here are some solutions you can try to resolve the error:

  1. Check Data Source: Verify that the data source is in the expected format, either as an array or an observable. If it is not, you may need to transform the data into the correct format before using it in your application.
  2. Validate Data Source: If the data source is coming from an external API or database, ensure that the data retrieval and parsing processes are functioning correctly. Debug any issues with retrieving, parsing, or manipulating the data.
  3. Consult Documentation: Refer to the documentation of the library or framework you are using to understand the expected data source format and any specific requirements.


Imagine you are using a JavaScript library that requires an array of objects to generate a chart. However, instead of passing an array, you accidentally pass a plain object:

    const data = {               // Incorrect data source
      labels: ['January', 'February', 'March'],
      values: [10, 15, 7]
    chartLibrary.generateChart(data);    // Error: provided data source did not match an array, observable, or datasource

To fix this, you need to convert the data object into an array of objects:

    const data = [               // Corrected data source
      { label: 'January', value: 10 },
      { label: 'February', value: 15 },
      { label: 'March', value: 7 }
    chartLibrary.generateChart(data);    // No error, chart gets generated

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