Error creating bean with name ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ defined in

Error creating bean with name ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ defined in

This error occurs when the Spring framework is unable to create a bean named ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ defined in the ‘’ package.

There can be multiple reasons for this error:

  1. No matching configuration properties: If the bean is defined with configuration properties, Spring might not be able to find a matching configuration. Make sure to check the configuration properties and their names.
  2. Missing or incorrect dependencies: The bean might have dependencies that are missing or defined incorrectly. Check the dependencies and make sure they are properly configured.
  3. Invalid bean definition: There might be an issue with the bean definition itself. Check the bean definition and make sure it is correct.

To resolve this error, you can try the following:

  • Check and correct the configuration properties and their names.
  • Verify that all dependencies are properly configured and available.
  • Review the bean definition and make necessary corrections.


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp")
public class ConfigurationPropertiesBeans {
    private String property1;
    private int property2;
    // Getters and setters
    // Bean methods

In this example, a bean named ‘ConfigurationPropertiesBeans’ is defined with configuration properties prefix ‘myapp’. The bean has two properties, ‘property1’ of type String and ‘property2’ of type int. Make sure the prefix and property names are correct and match the configuration.

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