Error creating bean with name ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ defined in class path resource

When you encounter the error “error creating bean with name ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ defined in class path resource”, it means that Spring is unable to create an instance of the bean with the specified name due to some configuration-related issue.

This error typically occurs when the bean definition is incorrect or when there is a problem with the configuration properties. To resolve this error, you need to carefully review your bean configuration and make necessary corrections.

Here are some possible steps to troubleshoot and fix this issue:

  • Check the bean definition: Make sure that the bean definition for ‘configurationpropertiesbeans’ is correct. Ensure that the class path resource is accurate and the bean is defined with the proper scope and dependencies.
  • Look for property configuration issues: Check if there are any issues with the configuration properties used by the bean. Ensure that the properties are correctly set and match the expected data types.
  • Verify the class path resource: Ensure that the class path resource mentioned in the error message exists and is accessible to the application. Check if any changes to the resource path have been made and update the bean definition accordingly.
  • Review dependency injection: If the error is related to dependency injection, verify that the dependencies are correctly wired in the bean definition. Ensure that the required beans are present and accessible.
  • Check for conflicting bean definitions: If you have multiple bean definitions with the same name, it can lead to conflicts. Remove any duplicate or conflicting bean definitions that might be causing the issue.

Here is an example bean definition in Spring XML configuration:

                <beans xmlns=""

                    <bean id="configurationpropertiesbeans" class="com.example.ConfigurationPropertiesBeans">
                        <property name="property1" value="value1" />
                        <property name="property2" value="value2" />

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