Error: command failed: gradlew.bat app:installdebug -preactnativedevserverport=8081

Error: command failed: gradlew.bat app:installdebug -preactnativedevserverport=8081

This error typically occurs when running the command to install a debug version of your React Native application on an Android device or emulator using the Gradle build tool.

Here are a few possible causes and solutions for this error:

  1. Missing or misconfigured Gradle installation: Make sure you have Gradle installed and properly configured on your system. You can download Gradle from the official website ( After installation, make sure the Gradle executable is added to your system’s PATH environment variable.
  2. Incorrect project configuration: Check your project’s configuration files (e.g., build.gradle, settings.gradle) to ensure they are set up correctly. Pay attention to the application ID, build types, signing configurations, and dependencies. Make sure you have the necessary permissions and libraries specified in your project files.
  3. Connection or device issues: Ensure that your Android device or emulator is properly connected to your development machine. You can try restarting both your development machine and the Android device/emulator. Also, check if any security software, firewalls, or antivirus programs are blocking the communication between the development machine and the device/emulator.
  4. Outdated dependencies or mismatched versions: Update your project’s dependencies to the latest versions according to the official documentation. Run the following command in your project directory to update Gradle dependencies:
    gradlew.bat dependencies --refresh-dependencies
  5. Conflicts with other processes or packages: Ensure that no other processes or packages are interfering with the build process. Close unnecessary applications and terminate any conflicting processes.
  6. Clean and rebuild the project: Sometimes, the error can be resolved by cleaning the project and rebuilding it from scratch. Run the following command in your project directory:
    gradlew.bat clean

Try applying these solutions one by one until the error is resolved. If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about the specific error message or output you are receiving for further assistance.

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