Error: cannot find module ‘timers/promises’

Error: cannot find module ‘timers/promises’

An error is occurring because the module ‘timers/promises’ cannot be found. This error can occur when you are trying to import or require a module that does not exist or is not installed in your project.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Check if the module is installed: Make sure that the ‘timers/promises’ module is installed in your project. You can do this by checking the package.json file or using a package manager like npm or yarn.
  2. Check the module path: Double-check the path to the module. Ensure that you are using the correct relative path or the correct module name.
  3. Update your Node.js version: If you are using an older version of Node.js, the ‘timers/promises’ module might not be available. Update your Node.js version to a newer one that supports this module.
  4. Use a different module: If the ‘timers/promises’ module is not necessary for your project, you can consider using an alternative module that provides similar functionality.


In this example, assume that the ‘timers/promises’ module is required in a file named ‘example.js’.

// example.js
// Importing the 'timers/promises' module
const timers = require('timers/promises');

// Other code goes here

To fix the error in this example:

  • Make sure the ‘timers/promises’ module is installed in your project.
  • Check if you have the correct spelling and casing in the module name.
  • If the module is not available, you can try using a different module or finding an alternative way to achieve the desired functionality.

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