Error assuming aws_role. please verify the role and externalid are configured correctly in your aws policy.


Error Message

An error occurred while assuming the AWS role. Please verify that the role and external ID are configured correctly in your AWS policy.


Assuming an AWS role allows you to temporarily take on permissions and access resources that are assigned to that role. However, there are certain configurations that need to be in place for successful assumption of an AWS role.

  • AWS Role: The AWS role determines the permissions you have and the resources you can access. It is crucial to verify whether the role you are trying to assume exists and has the necessary permissions for your intended actions.
  • External ID: An external ID is an optional, user-defined value that can be set when configuring a trust relationship between roles in different accounts. This ID adds an extra layer of security to the role assumption process.


Suppose you have created an AWS role named “MyRole” in your AWS account. This role has permissions to read objects from an S3 bucket.

If you want to assume this role using AWS CLI, you can use the following command:

aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole --role-session-name MySession

In the above command, “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole” represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role you want to assume, and “MySession” is an arbitrary name for the session.

Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to assume the role and that the role and external ID (if required) are properly configured in your AWS policy.


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