Error: adb exited with exit code 1 performing streamed install

Query: error: adb exited with exit code 1 performing streamed install

This error message is related to the Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool, which is used for communication between your development machine and an Android device. The exit code 1 indicates that an error occurred during the installation of an application.

Possible Causes:

  • Insufficient storage space on the target device.
  • Incorrect permissions for the adb server or the APK file.
  • A corrupt APK file.
  • Issues with the adb server, USB connection, or drivers.


  1. Check available storage space: Ensure that the target device has enough free space to accommodate the installation of the application.
  2. Verify permissions: Make sure the adb server and APK file have appropriate permissions. You can try running adb with administrative privileges or verifying the permissions of the APK file.
  3. Use a different APK file: If the APK file is corrupt or incomplete, try using a different APK file to install.
  4. Restart adb server and device: Restart the adb server by executing the command adb kill-server followed by adb start-server. Additionally, disconnect and reconnect the USB cable between the device and your development machine, and restart the device.
  5. Update/install required drivers: Ensure that the appropriate USB drivers for your device are installed on your development machine. You can download and install the necessary drivers from the device manufacturer’s website.


Let’s consider an example where you are trying to install an APK file named “app-debug.apk” using adb, but you encounter the “adb exited with exit code 1” error:

    $ adb install app-debug.apk
    adb: failed to install app-debug.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE]

In this case, the error message indicates that the installation failed due to insufficient storage space.

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