[Fixed]-Enable to initialize other python module before first request (Django + mod_wsgi + apache)



Do as Daniel says in the comment and move the code that pre-loads any data into a separate module and invoke it from global scope in the wsgi.py script file when it is being loaded.

The configuration you are using will pre-load the wsgi.py when the process is started. You can though simplify the configuration to just:

WSGIDaemonProcess init python-home=/usr/local/.../3.5.0 python-path=/usr/local/.../django
WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /usr/local/.../django/mysite/wsgi.py process-group=init application-group=%{GLOBAL}
<Directory /usr/local/.../django/mysite>
<Files wsgi.py>
Require all granted

Having both the process-group and application-group options on the WSGIScriptAlias directive also triggers force pre-loading of the wsgi.py script file on process start and you don’t need the separate WSGIImportScript.

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