here is how I finished to handle it
first, urls.py :
url(r'^service/create/$','django_th.views.get_form_list', name='create_service'),
then in views.py :
I did :
def get_form_list(request, form_list=None):
if form_list is None:
form_list = [ProviderForm, DummyForm, ConsummerForm, DummyForm, \
return UserServiceWizard.as_view(form_list=form_list)(request)
this permits to define 5 steps with :
- 3 knowns Form (
- 2 unknown ones (
twice in fact) that will be handle dynamically below
the forms.py which provides the DummyForm
class DummyForm(forms.Form):
the next step is to get the data from ProviderForm, get the service I selected from it, and load the for of this selected service :
in my views.py :
class UserServiceWizard(SessionWizardView):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.form_list = kwargs.pop('form_list')
return super(UserServiceWizard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def get_form_instance(self, step):
if self.instance is None:
self.instance = UserService()
return self.instance
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step(self.get_prev_step(
if self.steps.current == '1':
service_name = str(data['provider']).split('Service')[1]
#services are named th_<service>
#call of the dedicated <service>ProviderForm
form = class_for_name('th_' + service_name.lower() + '.forms',
service_name + 'ProviderForm')
elif self.steps.current == '3':
service_name = str(data['consummer']).split('Service')[1]
#services are named th_<service>
#call of the dedicated <service>ConsummerForm
form = class_for_name('th_' + service_name.lower() + '.forms',
service_name + 'ConsummerForm')
context = super(UserServiceWizard, self).get_context_data(form=form,
return context
here :
load the data fromget_form_list
function I defined inurls.py
- in
I need to change theDummyForm
in step 1 and 3 from the service I chose in the dropdown ofProviderForm
. As the service is named ‘FoobarService’, I split ‘Service’ to make the call of the form of the serviceFoobar(Consummer|Provider)Form
below :
def class_for_name(module_name, class_name):
m = importlib.import_module(module_name)
c = getattr(m, class_name)
return c
Finally :
with all of this I’m able to dynamically change the form on the fly at any step, in fact I decide to do it for step 1 and 3 but that can be adapted for any step 😉