[Vuejs]-Dynamic components doesn't work in script setup



Of course it does not work. Your components are not registered by name. How could Vue know that "A" should be Shop component?

You have 2 options:

  1. register components globally (app.component()) or locally (not possible with script setup – normal script must be used alongside the script setup). Now you can pass their name as String into is and Vue will know what to do

  2. Or pass a component object into :is instead of string

  <div id="dynamic-component-demo" class="demo">
      v-for="(tab, i) in tabs"
      v-bind:class="['tab-button', { active: currentTab.name === tab.name }]"
      v-on:click="currentTab = tabs[i]"
      {{ tab.name }}
    <component :is="currentTab.comp"></component>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { shallowRef } from 'vue'
import Shop from './A.vue';
import Knowledge from './B.vue';
const tabs = [
  { name: 'A', comp: Shop }, 
  { name: 'B', comp: Knowledge }

// using shallowRef to stop Vue from turning component definitions to reactive objects
// use normal ref to see a warning
const currentTab = shallowRef(tabs[0]);


If I change <component :is=currentTab ></component> to <A/>, it shows up

Well I really doubt it – unless, of course, you have your components registered globally somewhere else (in code not shown in the question). If you try to add <A/> into a <template> in the linked demo, it does not work…

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