Managed to get the functionality I needed using django-saml2-idp
Good documentation on installing here: https://github.com/peopledoc/django-saml2-idp/blob/master/doc/INSTALL.txt
Settings in the Dropbox Admin console required the X509 certificate and then the login url set to: https://****.com/idp/login
Note that I had issues installing the M2Crypto dependency so used an Ubuntu package via:
sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto
Additionally I’m using Django 1.9.6 so needed to make overrides to the views.py
, urls.py
, and registry.py
files to make them compatible (various import statements needed updating and the urls changed to the new list format rather than using patterns).
Created a Dropbox Processor as follows:
import base64
import zlib
from saml2idp import base
from saml2idp.xml_render import _get_assertion_xml
def get_assertion_dropbox_xml(parameters, signed=False):
return _get_assertion_xml(ASSERTION_DROPBOX, parameters, signed)
'<saml:Assertion xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" '
'IssueInstant="${ISSUE_INSTANT}" '
'<saml:Conditions NotBefore="${NOT_BEFORE}" NotOnOrAfter="${NOT_ON_OR_AFTER}">'
'<saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="${AUTH_INSTANT}"'
class Processor(base.Processor):
def _decode_request(self):
Decodes _request_xml from _saml_request.
self._request_xml = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(self._saml_request), -15)
def _format_assertion(self):
self._assertion_xml = get_assertion_dropbox_xml(self._assertion_params, signed=False)
Which you register in your settings.py
file as follows:
'autosubmit': True,
'certificate_file': '/****/certificate.pem',
'private_key_file': '/****/private-key.pem',
'issuer': 'https://www.****.com',
'signing': True,
sampleSpConfig = {
'acs_url': 'https://www.dropbox.com/saml_login',
'processor': 'dropbox.Processor',
'sample': sampleSpConfig,
Works like a dream. Hope this helps somebody out there.