I went ahead and did this from the drf token auth docs and didn’t run into any problems with superusers, staffusers, or normal users.
Also try following the steps of the official docs instead of that SO answer and see if that fixes the problem – it’s possible something changed.
Here were the general steps I took:
- install django, drf
- put ‘rest_framework’ and ‘rest_framework.authtoken’ in INSTALLED_APPS
- add ‘TokenAuthentication’ in my rest_framework settings
- run migrate
- create tokens for users (I just did this in urls.py)
- create the url for token
- POST http://localhost:8000/token/ {“username”: “…”, “password”: “…”}
If you have the code public anywhere I’d be glad to take a further look and see what I find.
I had the same error message when I tried to use this API endpoint :
” obtain_auth_token” class from rest_framework.authtoken.views ,
BUT surprise ! The problem was the User serializer in
first place ! . -
Users were created with the API endppint ,their passwords were saved as plain text !, as in this screenshot :
User Database
BUT the TokenAPI endpoint encrypts the password, so from there come the clash! , -
I’ve changed User Serializer class and override create function to use set_password function that hashes the passwords :
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ['email', 'username', 'password'] extra_kwargs = {'password': {'write_only': True}} def create(self, validated_data): user = User( email=validated_data['email'], username=validated_data['username'] ) user.set_password(validated_data['password']) user.save() return user
Now that I’ve edited my User Serializer , data are stored like this :
User database after modification -
And So the error : “non_field_errors”: [ “Unable to log in with provided credentials.” stopped showing ! , and the token API endpoint “localhost:8000/api-token-auth/” worked !
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Maybe the encryption is to blame. I am facing the same problem. I compared the information stored in mysql of superuser
and a common user (let’s call it user1
). I found a difference. The password of superuser
was encrypted, but user1
‘s password wasn’t encryted. So I changed user1
‘s password into the superuser
‘s password, then I posted the name and password of user1
to the jwt api and I got the right answer.
And now I find an answer, though it may not be the best one, it should work.
I just overwrited the “create” method in “ModelSerializer”.
step1: copy the “create” method from “ModelSerializer” to your own serializers file
step2: change the sentence “instance = ModelClass._default_manager.create(**validated_data)” into “instance = ModelClass._default_manager.create_user(**validated_data)”.
step3: It worked]4
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I hope this helps for those using TokenAuthentication
(not JWT), django-allauth
and dj-rest-auth
and getting the same error.
This answer from another similar question worked for me.
I just needed to add these Authentication Backends on settings.py
For me, I created the user with password 1234
In the user admin panel I saw the below message
Password: Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm.
After updating the password with django password restrictions (minimum 8 characters and some others) I got the Token in resposne.
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I got the same issue, I’m using Django 4.1. How I resolved:
- If you’re creating a superuser provide a strong password. Sometimes it does not provide the error on a weak password which happened to me and then won’t generate the token.
- If you are creating a user through code make sure to store the password as a hash.
- Add the following class in setting.py installed_apps=[ ‘rest_framework.authtoken’,]
Now, give it a try!
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the pasword is not correct
>>> nameko.Platform.Auth({'username': 'user', 'password': 'pass'})
[{'token': 'eefd5c0f747e121b9cb9986290f66b3c1089669d'}, 2
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There can be several causes but IMHO the easiest way to clarify this, is to activate the logs in the settings file (with "level": "DEBUG") and to look at the generated SQL selection query by "api-token-auth"
for instance my personal jumped out in reading this request :
profileapp_customuser.id, profileapp_customuser.password,
profileapp_customuser.last_login, profileapp_customuser.is_superuser,
profileapp_customuser.email FROM profileapp_customuser
**profileapp_customuser.email = 'username_test3**' LIMIT 21;
In fact my custom model was inoperate cause my user unique id was no more username but email.
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In my cases, I was using username
and password
for authentication. But the django authenticte method by was expecting email value
against username
key becuase of the following customized code in the project as it was already existing developed by someone else
class User(AbstractUser):
So I provided that against username
to make it functional.
See the screenshots for the reference
Using Username value
Using Email value
Note: it’s because Django filter the username value against the field lookup as per mentioned USERNAME_FIELD
value see the reference of the code below
user = UserModel._default_manager.get_by_natural_key(username)
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The solution to your problem is to back up authentication.
To login with rest_framework.authtoken, the login fields are username and password.
But in django jwt changed this field to USERNAME_FIELD.
You need to write a new Auth Backend and replace username with USERNAME_FIELD in the authentication function parameter.
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