If you set it up the way you are describing in your example dotcloud.yml
file, you will have two different services, with two different urls. So if you want to send stuff to the ajax service, you use the ajax url, if you want the regular one you can use the www url.
To run gunicorn you could use the python-worker user and allocate an http port for the python worker, and then have gunicorn listed on the http port. It is important to note that the python-worker doesn’t have nginx in front of it like the python service, so gunicorn will need to be the one listening for the traffic directly.
So to put it together it would look something like this.
type: python
approot: myapp
type: python-worker
approot: myapp
www: tcp
process: gunicorn -b$PORT_WWW yourapp:app
Your process string will most likely look different but you get the picture.
You also don’t need the approot, just put it there as an example.