Yes, you can use normal Python multiple-inheritance with models. Bear in mind this warning though:
Just as with Python’s subclassing,
it’s possible for a Django model to
inherit from multiple parent models.
Keep in mind that normal Python name
resolution rules apply. The first base
class that a particular name (e.g.
Meta) appears in will be the one that
is used; for example, this means that
if multiple parents contain a Meta
class, only the first one is going to
be used, and all others will be
ignored.Generally, you won’t need to inherit
from multiple parents. The main
use-case where this is useful is for
“mix-in” classes: adding a particular
extra field or method to every class
that inherits the mix-in. Try to keep
your inheritance hierarchies as simple
and straightforward as possible so
that you won’t have to struggle to
work out where a particular piece of
information is coming from.
From the Django docs.
Generally, multiple inheritance is a bad idea, and there are simpler ways to do things. If you flesh out what problem you’re trying to solve a bit more clearly, we might be able to help a bit better.