[Answered ]-Does create() method save model object to Django database?



Does this already save new Book object to database?

No, it just creates a Book object with the given title, but it is not saved to the database, you thus should save it:

book = Book.create('Pride and Prejudice')

it might be better to work with .objects.create(โ€ฆ)ย [Django-doc], this will call save with force_insert=True, which will slightly optimize the insertion to the database:

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def create(cls, title):
        # will store this in the database
        book = cls.objects.create(title=title)
        # do something with the book
        return book

or with:

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def create(cls, title):
        book = cls(title=title)
        # will store this in the database
        # do something with the book
        return book

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