Unfortunately it seems like most/all of the projects listed here are no longer active. Here’s a new project which is currently ongoing:
- TimeField format in Django template
- Django 2.0: sqlite IntegrityError: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
- Python/Django: sending emails in the background
Another workflow project that I saw recently was repoze.workflow, which is a state-machine based workflow engine which was inspired by plone, but is a clean re-implementation.
Not exactly sure how production ready it really is, but I do know some people that are using it.
- Django app in heroku getting worker timeout error
- Django widget override template
- Django logging – django.request logger and extra context
- Does Django have a way to open a HTTP long poll connection?
- How can my Model primary key start with a specific number?
I used hurry.workflow: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.workflow
It has plenty of features but unfortunately has some zope dependecies so it may be not applicable for other frameworks.
We are actively working on Zops Workflow Engine based on Spiff. You can check if it suits your needs.
Besides GoFlow (linked in Oli’s answer) the only other Django workflow I know of is part of the Pinax project.
More generally for Python based workflows there is spiff workflow and Dave Kuhlman’s Workflow and REST How-to that could probably be converted from Quixote to Django.
- DRF – How to handle exception on serializer create()?
- 'Questions ' object is not iterable Django
- Use a django built in filter in code (outside of a template)
- Use of unicode in Django
There is also Xworkflows ( https://github.com/rbarrois/xworkflows/ ) and it’s pluggable to django with django-xworkflofws ( https://github.com/rbarrois/django_xworkflows )
- Converting a django ValuesQuerySet to a json object
- Django render_to_string() ignores {% csrf_token %}
- Django create new user without password
Have you thought about building workflows with rules? You might checkout http://nebrios.com, a rules based workflow tool. It’s built in Python/Django and executes full Python and Django. It’s not FOSS though, and doesn’t integrate as a library since it’s Platform.
Full Disclosure: We built this over the last year since we couldn’t find any workflow/process tools that met our needs.
- How to specify uniqueness for a tuple of field in a Django model
- Celery beat not picking up periodic tasks
- Django, REST and Angular Routes