Docker stats cpu over 100

Explanation of Docker Stats CPU Over 100

Docker provides a command-line tool called “stats” that allows you to monitor the resource usage of your Docker containers. By using the “docker stats” command, you can get real-time information about CPU usage, memory consumption, network activity, and more for each container running on your system.

When it comes to CPU usage, the “docker stats” command displays the percentage of CPU that a container is using. This value represents the proportion of CPU resources allocated to the container compared to the total available CPU resources of the host machine. The CPU usage value can be greater than 100% if the container is allocated more CPU resources than the host can provide. It should be noted that this percentage is not related to the number of CPU cores available.

If you see a CPU usage value exceeding 100% for a container, it indicates that the container is trying to use more CPU resources than what the host system can offer. This situation can lead to increased contention for CPU resources and may cause performance issues for the container and other processes running on the host.


Let’s assume that you have a Docker container named “my-container” running on a host with a single CPU core. When you execute the “docker stats” command, you observe that the CPU usage for “my-container” is 120%. This means that the container is utilizing 120% of the CPU resources compared to the capacity of a single core. In this case, the container is attempting to utilize more resources than what the host can provide, leading to potential performance degradation.

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