Docker Pull Missing Signature Key
When you encounter the “docker pull missing signature key” error, it means that Docker is unable to verify the authenticity of the image you are trying to pull because it lacks a valid signature or the required signature key is missing from your local Docker installation.
To resolve this issue, you have a few options:
- Update Docker’s list of trusted repositories
- Use the “–insecure-registry” flag
- Import the missing signature key
If the image you are trying to pull is from an official Docker repository, you can update the list of trusted repositories on your system. This can be done by running the following command:
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// YOUR_SIGNATURE_KEY
Replace “YOUR_SIGNATURE_KEY” with the actual signature key relevant to the repository you are using. Once the key is added, you should be able to pull the image without any issues.
If you trust the source of the image and want to pull it without signature verification, you can use the “–insecure-registry” flag. This flag instructs Docker to connect to the registry using HTTP instead of HTTPS, bypassing signature checks. However, be cautious when using this flag as it can introduce security risks.
docker pull --insecure-registry REPOSITORY/IMAGE:TAG
If you have the missing signature key, you can import it manually into your Docker trust store. First, save the key in a file (e.g., missing-key.key). Then, import it using the following command:
sudo docker trust key load missing-key.key
After importing the key, Docker will be able to verify the image’s authenticity during the pull process.
It’s important to note that by default, Docker ensures the images it pulls are signed and trusted. This helps maintain the integrity and security of the images used in your containers. However, in certain cases, you may need to use one of the above methods to bypass or resolve the missing signature key error.