Docker compose did not find expected key

Error: Docker Compose did not find the expected key in the configuration.

Solution: Docker Compose uses a YAML file format for configuration. When this error occurs, it means that the YAML file does not have a valid key or is missing a required key. Here are a few common reasons for this error:

  • Misspelled key: Ensure that the keys in the YAML file are spelled correctly.
  • Missing indentation: YAML files depend on proper indentation to define the structure. Make sure all keys are properly indented.
  • Missing required key: Some keys are required for Docker Compose to function correctly. Check the Docker Compose documentation and ensure that all required keys are present in the configuration file.
  • Incorrect placement: Verify that the keys are placed in the correct section of the YAML file. They should be under the appropriate service, volume, or network section.

Let’s take an example of a Docker Compose file:

version: "3"
    image: nginx:latest
      - 80:80

In this example, the key “image” is a required key for the “web” service. If it is misspelled or missing, you will encounter the mentioned error.

Please ensure that your Docker Compose file is correctly formatted with the expected keys and their values.

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