[Django]-Django with google charts


google.visualization.arrayToDataTable() appears to take a 2D (javascript) array. What you are passing it is a string. You’ll need to parse it into an array. Try:

var djangoData = JSON.parse('{{ array }}');
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(djangoData);


In your view:

remove this line args['array']= array

change this line return render_to_response('progress.html',args) to return render_to_response('progress.html',{'array': json.dumps(array)})

In your template:

change this line var djangoData = '{{array}}'; to var djangoData = '{{ array | safe }}';

The rest of your code is fine. I hope this helps.


for me this combination works:


from django.shortcuts import render
import json

context= {'array': json.dumps(array)}
return render(request,'progress.html',context)


var djangoData = JSON.parse('{{ array | safe }}';);

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