i found a good solution here
Anyone knows good Django URL namespaces tutorial?
Disclaimer : This is written by David Eyk on above mentioned link
Agreed, the docs for this are rather confusing. Here’s my reading of it (NB: all code is untested!):
In apps.help.urls
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^$', 'apps.help.views.index', name='index'),
In your main urls.py
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^help/', include('apps.help.urls', namespace='help', app_name='help')),
url(r'^ineedhelp/', include('apps.help.urls', namespace='otherhelp', app_name='help')),
In your template:
{% url help:index %}
should produce the url /help/
{% url otherhelp:index %}
should produce the url /ineedhelp/
{% with current_app as 'otherhelp' %}
{% url help:index %}
{% endwith %}
should likewise produce the url /ineedhelp/
Similarly, reverse('help:index')
should produce /help/
should produce /ineedhelp/
reverse('help:index', current_app='otherhelp')
should likewise produce /ineedhelp/
Like I said, this is based on my reading of the docs and my existing familiarity with how things tend to work in Django-land. I haven’t taken the time to test this.