[Answer]-Django: Where is the first place you can query auth user model for the ADMINS Setting?


I suggest you not use django models in settings.py,

Generally, after settings.py loads, django knows what the database config is.

A more idiomatic practice is add some piece of code at the end of settings.py:

from local_settings import *

or just overwrite ADMINS to the namespace, hardcode ADMINS = (('admin', 'admin@example.com')) in local_settings,

from local_settings import ADMINS

As you do not want to expose the information to github, add local_settings.py to your .gitignore.

As @DJV said,” ADMINS in settings.py and the superusers mean different things (the first are expected to manage the site, while the others to manage the content)”, I do not think ADMINS is so important.



I wanted this code to run when the server is spun up not at each request and this solution seems to be doing just that. I don’t want to hard code the ADMINS because i like the idea of using django’s admin to manage users and since i am pulling the username and email from the database i don’t have to worry about exposing the user’s info info in the code.

I created a file called admins.py in my application and in init.py imported that file to execute the code. Now when a user is_superuser their info will be added to ADMINS automatically.


from myapp.core.admins import *


from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.mail import mail_admins

#admins setup: These users will get 500 error emails
admins = User.objects.filter(is_superuser__exact=True)
settings.ADMINS = []
for u in admins:
    settings.ADMINS.append((u.username, u.email))

#send test email
if settings.SEND_TEST_EMAIL:
    mail_admins('SEVER HAS BEEN STARTED', 'The server has been started @ '+settings.SITE_IP, fail_silently=False)

UPDATE: There is an issue with the above solution. I had to rebuild my database and when i ran syncdb it fails due to a missing user model. I tried moving the import to models.py init but still no luck. Where is the first safe point of entry?? Do i have to create an admins model or create user profiles to extend auth/user and add an is_admin field? –

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