Actually, what you really probably want is middleware, if the setting is going to affect the template that’s chosen in the first place, or substantially affect the response. It is a good deal more flexible than using a template context processor, which is more appropriate if you simply want to add a couple variables to your context.
You create a middleware.py in your app, which might contain something like:
from django.conf import settings
class MyMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
request.my_app_setting = settings.MY_APP_SETTING
Don’t forget to add your class to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting.
You can use custom template context processors for passing “global” context to your views.
To accomplish this, create a new contextprocessors.py somewhere in your application with code similar to the example below (all it has to do is return a dict). Then add the path to the file with the function in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS tuple in your settings.py (ie: yourapp.contextprocessors.resource_urls).
from django.conf import settings
def resource_urls(request):
"""Passes global values to templates."""
return dict(
Now you can refer to these keys in your templates as expected: {{ TIME_ZONE }}