Are you using pgBouncer, or some other pooling mechanism? I usually encountered this kind of issues when some form of connection pooling was used to lessen the connection-load on the database (which is perfectly fine and advisable, if you happen to have lots of clients).
Using a connection pooler in transaction pooling mode (e.g. PgBouncer) requires disabling server-side cursors for that connection.
Server-side cursors are local to a connection and remain open at the end of a transaction when AUTOCOMMIT is True. A subsequent transaction may attempt to fetch more results from a server-side cursor. In transaction pooling mode, there’s no guarantee that subsequent transactions will use the same connection. If a different connection is used, an error is raised when the transaction references the server-side cursor, because server-side cursors are only accessible in the connection in which they were created.
One solution is to disable server-side cursors for a connection in
to True.To benefit from server-side cursors in transaction pooling mode, you could set up another connection to the database in order to perform queries that use server-side cursors. This connection needs to either be directly to the database or to a connection pooler in session pooling mode.
Another option is to wrap each QuerySet using server-side cursors in an atomic() block, because it disables autocommit for the duration of the transaction. This way, the server-side cursor will only live for the duration of the transaction.
So, if this applies to your connection, your options are:
disable cursors
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
wrap into transaction
(not guaranteed to work, depends on your pooling settings)
with transaction.atomic():
qs = YourModel.objects.filter()
for values in qs.values('id', 'x').iterator():
extra connection
You could also use an extra direct connection to the database if you need server side cursors and then use the direct connection for those queries.
Usually, this error append when the models and the database are not compatible. Like if you changed a model adding a field but didn’t migrate it.
Be sure to check that all the applications of your site are in your INSTALLED_APP this error can be caused because the migrations doesn’t apply on a new non declared app.
python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
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Each of the below mentioned solutions has its own cons.
- disable cursors: We’ll lose benefits of server side cursors (chunked resultset).
- wrap into transaction: This adds overhead of transaction and can decrease the query execution throughput on high traffic sites which uses lot of .iterator() querysets.
- extra connection: Developers have to remember to use separate database for .iterator() queryset.
So better approach could be to use two database settings. One for PgBouncer and second for direct db connection. (Both the database setting should point to same database in the backend) And route .iterator() queryset to use direct db connection based on transaction status.
Note: We should leave DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS=False (for both db settings) as PgBouncer supports server side cursors when iterator queryset is wrapped inside transaction.
DATABASE_URL: 'postgresql://django:xxx@localhost:7432/dbname' # (pgbouncer connection)
DATABASE_URL_DIRECT: 'postgresql://django:xxx@localhost:6432/dbname' # (direct db connection)
inside settings.py
if 'migrate' not in sys.argv:
# django app proccess
'default': dj_database_url.parse(config['DATABASE_URL']), # (pgbouncer connection)
'direct_db': dj_database_url.parse(config['DATABASE_URL_DIRECT']) # (direct db connection)
# django migration proccess
'default': dj_database_url.parse(config['DATABASE_URL_DIRECT']) # (direct db connection)
# not using pgbouncer.
'default': dj_database_url.parse(config['DATABASE_URL']) # (direct db connection)
while initilizing the django apps (inside AppConfig.ready())
from functools import wraps
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models.query import ModelIterable, ValuesIterable, ValuesListIterable, \
NamedValuesListIterable, FlatValuesListIterable
class CommonAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'app_name'
def ready(self):
if settings.USE_PGBOUNCER:
direct_db = 'direct_db'. # DATABASE setting
ModelIterable.__iter__ = patch_iterator_class(using=direct_db)(ModelIterable.__iter__)
ValuesIterable.__iter__ = patch_iterator_class(using=direct_db)(ValuesIterable.__iter__)
ValuesListIterable.__iter__ = patch_iterator_class(using=direct_db)(ValuesListIterable.__iter__)
NamedValuesListIterable.__iter__ = patch_iterator_class(using=direct_db)(NamedValuesListIterable.__iter__)
FlatValuesListIterable.__iter__ = patch_iterator_class(using=direct_db)(FlatValuesListIterable.__iter__)
def patch_iterator_class(using):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
cxn = transaction.get_connection()
if not self.chunked_fetch or cxn.in_atomic_block:
# We are already in db transaction so use the same db connection (default) using
# which db transaction was started to execute iterator query.
# Or
# We are neither in db transaction nor it is a chunked_fetch so continue over same db connection
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# We are not in any db transaction and it is chunked_fetch so redirect iterator query to use
# direct_db connection to avoid cursor not found exception.
self.queryset = self.queryset.using(using) # redirect query to use direct db connection.
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
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