[Django]-Django – using of related_name in ManyToMany and in ForeignKey



As the name implies, this is the name you use when accessing the model from the related one. So, if you had a user instance, my_user.rides_as_driver.all() would give you all the Rides where ride.driver == my_user, and my_user.rides_as_passenger.all() would give you all the Rides where ride.passengers contains my_user.


Since you already have read about it on the documentation, I will give a quick example.

You have a driver and you want to get a list of all related rides for the driver. Eg:

>>> driver = User.objects.first()
  • Without specifying related_name:

    >>> driver.ride_set.all()
  • With specifying a related_name as in your code:

    >>> driver.rides_as_driver.all()

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