[Django]-Django user profile database problem




The method get_profile() does not
create the profile, if it does not
exist. You need to register a handler
for the signal
django.db.models.signals.post_save on
the User model, and, in the handler,
if created=True, create the associated
user profile.

The signal they mention is not really documented django-style where they provide code examples, so I will create an example for you:

from django.db.models import signals
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

def create_userprofile(sender, **kwargs):
    created = kwargs['created'] # object created or just saved?

    if created:
        BBB.objects.create(user=kwargs['instance'])  # instance is the user
        # create a BBB "profile" for your user upon creation.
        # now every time a user is created, a BBB profile will exist too.
        # user.BBB or user.get_profile() will always return something

signals.post_save.connect(create_userprofile, sender=User)


That’s ok, everything works. DoesNotExist: BBB matching query does not exist. means there is no BBB (user profile) for this user (matching query, i.e. get me the user profile for this user).

Use the DoesNotExist exception to assert whether a particular user has an associated user profile. When you create a BBB instance which is related to user a, you won’t get a DoesNotExist exception.

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