[Django]-Django urls without a trailing slash do not redirect


check your APPEND_SLASH setting in the settings.py file

more info in the django docs



Or you can write your urls like this:

(r'^login/?$', 'mySite.myUser.views.login')

The question sign after the trailing slash makes it optional in regexp. Use it if for some reasons you don’t want to use APPEND_SLASH setting.


This improves on @Michael Gendin’s answer. His answer serves the identical page with two separate URLs. It would be better to have login automatically redirect to login/, and then serve the latter as the main page:

from django.conf.urls import patterns
from django.views.generic import RedirectView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # Redirect login to login/
    (r'^login$', RedirectView.as_view(url = '/login/')),
    # Handle the page with the slash.
    (r'^login/', "views.my_handler"),


I’ve had the same problem too. My solution was put an (|/) before the end line of my regular expression.

url(r'^artists/(?P[\d]+)(|/)$', ArtistDetailView.as_view()),


Append slash without redirect, use it instead of CommonMiddleware in settings, Django 2.1:

    # 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',

Add to your main app directory middleware.py:

from django.http import HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, HttpRequest
from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from django.middleware.common import CommonMiddleware
from django.conf import settings

class HttpSmartRedirectResponse(HttpResponsePermanentRedirect):

class CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect(CommonMiddleware):
    """ This class converts HttpSmartRedirectResponse to the common response
        of Django view, without redirect.
    response_redirect_class = HttpSmartRedirectResponse

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # create django request resolver
        self.handler = BaseHandler()

        # prevent recursive includes
        old = settings.MIDDLEWARE
        name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__
        settings.MIDDLEWARE = [i for i in settings.MIDDLEWARE if i != name]


        settings.MIDDLEWARE = old
        super(CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def process_response(self, request, response):
        response = super(CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect, self).process_response(request, response)

        if isinstance(response, HttpSmartRedirectResponse):
            if not request.path.endswith('/'):
                request.path = request.path + '/'
            # we don't need query string in path_info because it's in request.GET already
            request.path_info = request.path
            response = self.handler.get_response(request)

        return response


In some cases, we have issues when some of our users call API with different endings. Usually, our users use Postman for that and are not worried about slash at the endpoint. As result, we receive issue requests in support, because users forgot to append a slash / at the end of POST requests.

We solved it by using a custom middleware that works for us in Django 3.2+ and Django 4.0+. After that, Django may handle any POST/PUT/DELETE requests to your API with slash or without them. With this middleware unneeded to change APPEND_SLASH property in settings.py

So, in the settings.py need to remove your current 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware' and insert new middleware. Make sure, you change your_project_name in my example below on your real project name.

  # 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',

Add to your main app directory middleware.py:

from django.http import HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, HttpRequest
from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from django.middleware.common import CommonMiddleware
from django.utils.http import escape_leading_slashes
from django.conf import settings

class HttpSmartRedirectResponse(HttpResponsePermanentRedirect):

class CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect(CommonMiddleware):
    """ This class converts HttpSmartRedirectResponse to the common response
            of Django view, without redirect. This is necessary to match status_codes
            for urls like /url?q=1 and /url/?q=1. If you don't use it, you will have 302
            code always on pages without slash.
    response_redirect_class = HttpSmartRedirectResponse

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # create django request resolver
    self.handler = BaseHandler()

    # prevent recursive includes
    old = settings.MIDDLEWARE
    name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__
    settings.MIDDLEWARE = [i for i in settings.MIDDLEWARE if i != name]


    settings.MIDDLEWARE = old
    super(CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def get_full_path_with_slash(self, request):
    """ Return the full path of the request with a trailing slash appended
        without Exception in Debug mode
    new_path = request.get_full_path(force_append_slash=True)
    # Prevent construction of scheme relative urls.
    new_path = escape_leading_slashes(new_path)
    return new_path

def process_response(self, request, response):
    response = super(CommonMiddlewareAppendSlashWithoutRedirect, self).process_response(request, response)

    if isinstance(response, HttpSmartRedirectResponse):
        if not request.path.endswith('/'):
            request.path = request.path + '/'
        # we don't need query string in path_info because it's in request.GET already
        request.path_info = request.path
        response = self.handler.get_response(request)

    return response

This answer may look similar to Max Tkachenko answer. But his code didn’t work for me in the latest versions of Django.


I’ve had the same problem. In my case it was a stale leftover from some old version in urls.py, from before staticfiles:

url(r'^%s(?P<path>.*)$' % settings.MEDIA_URL.lstrip('/'),
    kwargs={'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),

MEDIA_URL was empty, so this pattern matched everything.


In your Django project’s settings file (settings.py), make sure the APPEND_SLASH setting is set to True:


Next, add the CommonMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE setting:

    # other middleware classes...
    # other middleware classes...

With this configuration, Django’s CommonMiddleware will automatically handle URL redirection and add or remove the trailing slash as needed. This means that requests to both ‘xyz/’ and ‘xyz’ will be correctly processed by Django REST Framework.

Note – When making requests, it is generally recommended to include the trailing slash to conform to RESTful conventions. However, with the above configuration, requests without the trailing slash will still work as expected.


You can use this snippet

 from django.urls import re_path, path
 from django.urls.resolvers import _route_to_regex
 def tr_path(route, view, *args, **kwargs):
    if callable(view):
       r = _route_to_regex(route)
       if r[0][-1] != '/':
          new_route = r[0] + '/?$'  # add trailed slash
          return re_path(new_route, view, *args, **kwargs)
    return path(route, view, *args, **kwargs)

then replace your path totr_path

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