The urls are the problem, the first one will match everything (/blog/
, /blog/test/
, /blog/awdlawdjaawld
), you need the dollar sign $
at the end of it to only match /blog/
url(r'^blog/$', 'myapp.views.blog', name='blog'),
url(r'^blog/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', 'myapp.views.blog_detail', name='blog_detail'),
The above should work correctly.
Rudolf absolutely right
The /$
stopped blog from catching all the subpages which called by slug
so if you have subpages you need to add /$
to folder level as follow:
re_path('brands/$', AllBrands.as_view(), name="brands"),
re_path(r'^brands/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', BrandDetail.as_view(), name = 'brandetail'),
This is django 2.2
Without /$
after brands, the slug page was showing the brands listing page.