[Answered ]-Django url r'^page/ should redirect to the same dynamic template whatever argument behind


Since you want to wirk with {whatever} comming from /test/{whatever}, you need to declare a variable in your url or pass {whatever} via GET variable.

Declaring a variable in url:

Change your url definition like this

url(r'^test/(?P<variable_name>\w+)/$', views.testUrl),

And catch it in the view:

def testUrl(request, variable_name):
    # Now if you call '/test/hithere/'
    # variable_name will take the value 'hithere'
    # you could do -> parseIt = variable_name

Passing {whatever} via GET variable

You can always call you url like this:


And the in your view:

def testUrl(request):
    parsetIt = request.GET.get('var')

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