[Django]-Django: Uploaded file locked. Can't rename


I think you should look more closely at the upload_to field. This would probably be simpler than messing around with renaming during save.


This may also be a callable, such as a
function, which will be called to
obtain the upload path, including the
filename. This callable must be able
to accept two arguments, and return a
Unix-style path (with forward slashes)
to be passed along to the storage
system. The two arguments that will be
passed are:



My other answer is deprecated, use this instead:

class File(models.Model):
    nzb = models.FileField(upload_to=get_filename)
    def get_filename(instance, filename):
        if not instance.pk:
        # Create the name slug.
        name_slug = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-', instance.name).strip('-').lower()
        name_slug = re.sub('[-]+', '-', name_slug)

        filename = u'filess/%(2)s_%(3)s.nzb' % {'2': instance.pk, '3': name_slug}

        return filename

As of 1.0, upload_to can be callable, in which case it is expected to return the filename, including path (relative to MEDIA_ROOT).



Once uploaded, all you have is an image object in memory, right?

You could save this object yourself in the folder of your choice, and then edit the database entry by hand.

You’d be bypassing the whole Django ORM, and is not something I’d do unlessI couldn’t find a more Django way.

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