[Answered ]-Django unused method arguments



In terms of calling them – you don’t use them, as you probably already know. *args and **kwargs are entirely optional, so don’t pass them. In the example above, you can call that view method with just a request object.

In terms of writing them and clean code: If these are your CBVs, leave them off the declaration; if they’re arguments inherited from the generic base class, then surely you won’t see them in your code anyway?

If you’re asking from a garbage collection point of view, then they’ll expire after the view function has run and is no longer referenced by the view namespace. Ned’s coverage of variables in python is always relevant.

In terms of idiomatic python, explicitly deling the variables would be quite unusual, and make the code significantly less readable. It also won’t, for instance, free the memory, although I appreciate that wasn’t one of the reasons you were asking.

On the specifics of the request object – the request object is required to use render in Function based views. In CBVs, it’s an attribute rather than a variable, for the semantic difference that makes, but even if you’re not using it directly, Django needs the request object to generate the HttpResponse.

Also, the generic view base class docs have further details on that flow down through the stack.

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