Put this import in your poll/views.py before using HttpResponse.
from django.http import HttpResponse
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from django.http import HttpResponse
add this line on the top of polls/views.py file. I am new too, and had the same error. good Luck and i see u around.
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in your polls/views.py
By default is :
from django.shortcuts import render
change to:
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse
this will call the HttpResponse class
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- How to assign to a Django PointField model attribute?
I had imported HttpResponse
and still got this error.
If you use Apache server as your primary server for web, try restarting Apache and reloading the page.
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- Django ForeignKey limit_choices_to a different ForeignKey id
In my case the import was there, but when I called HttpsResponse I called it with small h as a typo instead of the capital H
from django.http import HttpResponse
def home(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello!") #==> This one was with httpResponse so the same error been received.
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- Django cms – invalid block tag endblock
- Check your import statement.
- Check your function. I had “HttpsResponse” instead of “HttpResponse”
Good luck.
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