[Answered ]-Django testing fails with object not found in response.context even though it works when actually running



There are 2 problems.

  1. In your view, top_5 is an unsorted list of Player objects.
top_5 = sorted(top_5, key=lambda player: player.player_points.latest().points, reverse=True)[:5]  # Add this
return render(request, "points_app/monthlytop5players.html", {"results": top_5[:5]})
  1. In your test, top_5 is a list (actually QuerySet) of PlayerPoint objects.
results_pts = [player.player_points.latest() for player in test_results.context['results']]  # Add this
for pt in top_5:
    # self.assertIn(pt, test_results.context.get('results'))  # Change this
    self.assertIn(pt, results_pts)                            # to this


I think your problem is with this line:

latest_points = player.player_points.latest()

Specifically, latest(). Like get(), earliest() and latest() raise DoesNotExist if there is no object with the given parameters.

You may need to add get_latest_by to your model’s Meta class. Maybe try this:

class PlayerPoint(models.Model):

    class Meta:
        get_latest_by = ['joined_ts']

If you don’t want to add this to your model, you could just do it directly:

latest_points = player.player_points.latest('-joined_ts')

if this is the problem.

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