[Answered ]-Django templates whitespaces ans empty characters in for loop


you can easily get rid of all the unnecessary spaces django produces by using: {% spaceless %} tag see doc: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#spaceless

{% spaceless %}
<div id="selected-sources"  style="min-height:150px; max-height:500px">
{% for source in sources %}
<span id='{{source.0}}' class='tag_with_remove'>
<i class='icon-remove'></i>
<span class='label'>source: {{source.1}}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}


If I am understanding this correctly, you could do something like it says in the template docs:

{% if sources %}
  <div id="selected-sources" style="min-height:150px; max-height:500px">
    {% for source in sources %}
      <span id='{{source.0}}' class='tag_with_remove'>
      <i class='icon-remove'></i>
      <span class='label'>source: {{source.1}}</span>
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
  <div id="selected-sources" style="min-height:150px; max-height:500px"></div>
{% endif %}

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