[Answered ]-Django Template – Iterating on lists


You will need this instead:

{% for article in article_list %}
  {{ article.title }}
  {% for t in article.joining.all %}
    {{ t.list }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Since you are iterating through the “other” side of the relationship (i.e. articles), you will access each article’s related List via the article’s list_set (to which you have given the related name ‘joining’).

Incidentally, you might want to find a different name for your List model. It makes this discussion somewhat confusing.


You can not access child.field this way. If your parent child are properly referenced, you have to do like:

{% for parent in parent_list %}
    my parent value: {{parent.field1}}
    {%for child in parent.child_set.all %}
        My child value {{child.field2}}


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