A late answer, but here is what works for me in Django 1.8.6 with django-tables2 1.1.0 (based on Django-Tables2 Issue 156 and This answer). To access a one to many set of objects via a foreign key relation you need to just use the related_name in the accessor and then create a render method to produce what gets written to column cell. In that method you can then get all the foreign model objects and access their fields in a for loop.
class LeadTable(tables.Table):
business_name = tables.LinkColumn('lead-detail', args=[A('slug')])
updates = tables.Column(accessor='related_update')
def render_updates(self, value, table):
updates = ""
uFirst = True
updatesList = list(value.all())
for u in updatesList:
if not uFirst:
updates += ", "
uFirst = False
updates += u.update
return updates
class Meta:
model = lead
fields = ("business_name","first_name", "last_name","number_of_pos","submission_date","updates")
attrs = {"class":"paleblue"}
according to django docs
in your views you can access them in this way (assuming lead_instance
is an instance of lead
all_leadtables_for_lead = lead_instance.leadtable_set
a side note: use Capitalized names for classes (class Lead(models.Model):
) in order to adhere to python PEP8 guidelines.
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