[Django]-Django: Store Hierarchical Data



objects do not have an id until you save them in Django ORM.

So I’d say you need to save() the object, then reference it in your parent/child sections (and re-save the sections).

However, another option to storing prec and next as pointers is to store an sequence_index (spaced by 10 to allow further inserts wiothout reordering) and order by this index.


Try doing a save() on all the objects, then update their relations, and then save() all of them again.

When you assign a foreignkey, the related (target) object’s id is copied. since at the moment of assigning the relations (parent_section, predecessor_section) the related objects don’t have an id yet, you get a funky result:

A = Section(name='A')
B = Section(name='B')
B.parent_section = A
B.parent_section # this will say A
B.parent_section_id # this will say **None**

But this should work:

A = Section(name='A')
B = Section(name='B')
B.parent_section = A
B.parent_section # this will say A
B.parent_section_id # this will say A.id
B.save() # don't forget this one :)

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