[Solved]-Django Storages using s3boto ignoring MEDIA_URL



I struck the same issue when attempting to use the Imgix CDN for my S3 media (I suspect we’re both using the same tutorial based on your use of the custom_storages.py override).

Here is an abridged version of the S3BotoStorage class in the django-storages framework. This excerpt highlights the important properties and methods for this issue, namely the custom-domain property.

class S3BotoStorage(Storage):
    location = setting('AWS_LOCATION', '')
    custom_domain = setting('AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN')

    def url(self, name, headers=None, response_headers=None, expire=None):
        # Preserve the trailing slash after normalizing the path.
        name = self._normalize_name(self._clean_name(name))
        if self.custom_domain:
            return "%s//%s/%s" % (self.url_protocol, self.custom_domain, filepath_to_uri(name))

As you can see in the url method, a URL is generated to override the STATIC_URL and MEDIA_URL Django settings. Currently the domain of the URL is created with the AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN setting, which is why you continue to see the static S3 URL for media files.

So first, in your Django settings file, add a setting describing your CDN’s domain.

IMGIX_DOMAIN = 'example.imgix.net'

Then, similar to the override of the location property, add an override to the custom_domain property in your MediaStorage class.

class MediaStorage(S3BotoStorage):
    location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
    custom_domain = settings.IMGIX_DOMAIN

Now the final URL to your media files should begin with your CDN’s domain, followed by the relative path to your file on the S3 bucket.



If you are serving static media from an S3 bucket, you must use an absolute URL, since the media is being served from a wholly different server.


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