[Django]-Django-storages S3Boto3Storage makes HEAD and GET requests on read


ATTENTION: Following solution is not for production, your lead will punish you if saw this in your code 🙂

My packages version are old:

But main idea (I hope) will be understood

Place following patching(or if you wish – class could be extended) on some “start” level of your application(on your taste).

from storages.backends import s3boto

def monkey_init(self, name, mode, storage, buffer_size=None):
    """Only 'validate=mode != "rb"' was added in 'get_key' method's call"""
    self._storage = storage
    self.name = name[len(self._storage.location):].lstrip('/')
    self._mode = mode
    self.key = storage.bucket.get_key(self._storage._encode_name(name),
                                      validate=mode != "rb")
    if not self.key and 'w' in mode:
        self.key = storage.bucket.new_key(storage._encode_name(name))
    self._is_dirty = False
    self._file = None
    self._multipart = None
    # for files larger than this.
    if buffer_size is not None:
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
    self._write_counter = 0

s3boto.S3BotoStorageFile.__init__ = monkey_init

In my version of django-storages call of method get_key doesn’t pass validate variable into it. And I didn’t find any way to force/change it except explicitly redefining __init__ method.

PS: If your setting doesn’t containt explicit boto section in logging -> logs will not be shown for GET/HEAD/etc. requrests from boto. Just add boto section into logging setting part.

'boto': {
    'handlers': LOGGING_HANDLERS,
    'level': 'DEBUG',
    'propagate': False,

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