The issue is with the Windows operating system Path. I tried with the same settings in Ubuntu. It’s working there flawlessly.
The other answers aren’t quite correct about why this error is happening. The dropbox storage object back-end uses a django utility (django.utils._os.safe_join)
to verify a filename for the target operating system. See the code here
Even though you pass the upload_to
argument which gives a unix-style path (something like /save/path) the django utility makes sure the root of that save path matches the base path for the operating system :(. The dropbox SDK does not like a drive prefixed to the desired save path (AKA C:/path/file.name is not a valid save directory for dropbox).
To make this work on Windows make sure you do a couple things
First, modify the storage back-end _full_path method like this (or create your own subclass).
def _full_path(self, name):
if name == '/':
name = ''
print('Root path in dropbox.storage : ', self.root_path)
# If the machine is windows do not append the drive letter to file path
if os.name == 'nt':
final_path = os.path.join(self.root_path, name).replace('\\', '/')
# Separator on linux system
sep = '//'
base_path = self.root_path
if (not os.path.normcase(final_path).startswith(os.path.normcase(base_path + sep)) and
os.path.normcase(final_path) != os.path.normcase(base_path) and
os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(base_path)) != os.path.normcase(base_path)):
raise SuspiciousFileOperation(
'The joined path ({}) is located outside of the base path '
'component ({})'.format(final_path, base_path))
# TODO Testing
print('Full file path in storage.dropbox._full_path : ', final_path)
return final_path
return safe_join(self.root_path, name).replace('\\', '/')
Second, make sure you are passing the content and name to the model FileField. I had troubles when I did not explicitly pass the file contents and name (something about the uploaded file context retaining the file name?). I re-implemented my models save method like this
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Save file
## Save raw entry from user ##
# Extract files contents
uploaded_raw_entry = kwargs['upload_raw_entry']
except KeyError:
raise UploadError(('No file was passed from the admin interface. ' +
'Make sure a ContentFile was passed when calling this models save method'))
# Test raw_directory_path TODO Remove after testing
print('Raw entry name from model.save : ', raw_directory_path(self, uploaded_raw_entry.name))
with uploaded_raw_entry.open(mode='rb') as f:
raw_entry_content = f.read()
raw_entry_file = ContentFile(content=raw_entry_content.encode('utf-8'),
name=raw_directory_path(self, uploaded_raw_entry.name))
# Save the content file into a model field
self.raw_entry.save(raw_entry_file.name, raw_entry_file, save=False)
This definitely is workable from Windows, but with extra steps 🙂
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This error message is coming from the Dropbox API, indicating that the “path” supplied for the Dropbox API call doesn’t have the expected format. E.g., if you’re uploading a file, the “path” you supply would be the path in the Dropbox account where you want to put the uploaded data.
You’re supplying the value:
(That seems to be a local Windows filesystem path.)
The Dropbox path you supply should instead look something like:
(That would be a path relative to the Dropbox root. It doesn’t have a drive letter.)
You’ll need to dig in to your code to see where/why that incorrect type of path is being supplied to Dropbox.
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I encountered this issue also on my Linux workstation – so the equivalent Linux answer for @greg’s answer is to add a "/"
to your backup name:
import sys, os
import dropbox
from dropbox.files import WriteMode
from dropbox.exceptions import ApiError, AuthError
# Add OAuth2 access token here.
TOKEN = '<your-token>'
data_path = './data_files'
filename = 'my-file-backup.txt'
BACKUPPATH = "/"+filename # <----- This should do the trick!
# Uploads contents of filename to Dropbox
def backup():
current_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, filename)
with open(current_file_path, 'rb') as f:
print("Uploading " + filename + " to Dropbox as " + BACKUPPATH + "...")
dbx.files_upload(f.read(), BACKUPPATH, mode=WriteMode('overwrite'))
except ApiError as err:
if (err.error.is_path() and
sys.exit("ERROR: Cannot back up; insufficient space.")
elif err.user_message_text:
So, the error message is quiet confusing – the file name and path in question is not your local but the Dropbox remote file name and path.
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