[Answered ]-Django static css is not loading on page



STATIC_URL = '/static/'

Only one {% load static %} is enough in your html code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
{% load static %}

You have to Copy and Plast your STATIC files (Js, CSS, …) in your templates.

It will look like that :

|     |_djangoAjaxApp
|           |_css_practice.html
    |___djangoAjaxApp (directory with the same App name)
         |_(here all your static file)

Your HTML will look like this:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href"{% static 'djangoAjaxApp\ok.css' %}">


# css practice

def cssRender(request):

    return render(request, "djangoAjaxApp/css_practice.html")


from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.cssRender, name='cssRender'),

djangoAjax urls.py:

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [
    # ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...


Could you please try it.

from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()


Just to remind you of it, have you tried hard refresh on your browser? I used to miss this when I was a beginner. (You can do it in chrome with ctrl+shift+r).

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