I would load them into a CONTEXT_PROCESSOR so that they are available in all templates.
if you need it available as global variables, simple load them in a custom script.py file that you import into the views.py file you need it in.
you should also consider caching the results from the database and either saving in the SESSION or look into running memcached if the site could see a lot of traffic.
If you have some tables which are having same values everytime(staic values).
You can write your own [fixture][1] which define all values we are going to store into those tables.
You can create a directory of name fixtures
into app folder.
Directory example :
|- my_app
| |- fixtures
| |- static_content.json
static_content.json can looks like
"model": "myapp.model1",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "Test_last"
"model": "myapp.model2",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"age": "21",
"email": "foo@foo.com"
before starting server by python manage.py runserver
we can load our fixtures into our database by using below command.
python manage.py loaddata <fixturename>
Ex. python manage.py loaddata my_app/static_content.json
above command will work as a startup script for loading values into db tables.
- [Answer]-Django tests failing on CI after adding django-bower
- [Answer]-Django 1.7 modelform_factory form is always invalid with factory_boy created model