[Django]-Django – split view.py to small files


Yes, there is not much special about views.py itself. You can implement two files for example:

# app/views_simpel.py

def view1(request):
    # ...

def view2(request):
    # ...

and another one:

# app/views_complex.py

def view3(request):
    # ...

def view4(request):
    # ...

In your urls.py you can then import those views, for example:

# app/urls.py

from django.urls import path

from app.views_simpel import view1, view2
from app.views_complex import view3, view4

urlpatterns = [
    path('view1/', view1),
    path('view2/', view2),
    path('view3/', view3),
    path('view4/', view4),

Both files can contain function-based views, class-based views, etc. In fact, the urls.py does not see much difference between the two, since by using .as_view() on a class-based view, you hand it a “dispatcher” function.


Yeah. Not only views. models and forms/serializers as well.

Here’s my preferred structure of an app.

-- app
---- models (package)
------ __init__.py
------ vehicle.py
------ trip.py

---- views (package)
------ __init__.py
------ vehicle.py
------ trip.py

Then you can normally import Class-based view in urls file like this

from app.views.vehicle import VehicleApiView

then customize your own routing scenario based on what’s inside that view.

Same applies for models importing.


Of course, if you want you can make different file for functions. Then you just need to import them in you views.py file for your classes.

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