[Django]-Django-social auth KeyError


You need to add 'social_auth.backends.pipeline.misc.save_status_to_session' before each method that issues a redirect and halts the process. It works with Facebook because Facebook discloses email addresses, but Twitter doesn’t. So, add that method before any entry that does a redirect, or call it within the pipeline code before doing the redirect.

(Just posting the comment as an answer so it can be selected)



You get the following error because you are trying to access the session name with this request.session[name]. That format is suppose to use in storing a session. To fix that,

name = setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_PARTIAL_PIPELINE_KEY', 'partial_pipeline')
request.session['saved_user'] = user
request.session['name'] = name 
backend = request.session.get('name') // this is the session format in getting the data
return redirect('socialauth_complete', backend=backend)

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