You can’t just display a form field on its own. It has to actually be part of a form, which you must instantiate before passing it to the template.
Also note that your method for getting the parent is horribly inefficient: you instantiate every single Parent in the database, just to get one. You should query it directly.
class ParentForm(forms.Form):
media = forms.ModelChoiceField(Media.objects.none(), widget=forms.Select())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
parent = kwargs.pop('parent')
super(ParentForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['media'].queryset = parent.media.all()
def my_view(request):
parent = Parent.objects.filter(name=request.session['current_parent'])
form = ParentForm(parent=parent)
return render_to_response('tab.html', {'media_form': form})
Alternatively, it might be easier to just pass the parent object to the template and then construct the select box manually:
<select name='media'>
{% for media in parent.media.all %}
<option value='{{ media.ident }}'>{{ media.name }}</option>
{% endfor %}