If you’re in the shell, or anywhere for that matter, you can use the queryset method
to print the SQL command.
If you’re using Django 1.3:
import logging
l = logging.getLogger('django.db.backends')
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I was trying to use “Django: show/log ORM sql calls from python shell” in a shell on a production server, and it wasn’t working. Eventually someone pointed out that it will only do this debug logging when DEBUG = True
. But you can work around that like this:
import logging
from django.db import connection
connection.force_debug_cursor = True # Change to use_debug_cursor in django < 1.8
l = logging.getLogger('django.db.backends')
I’m leaving this here so I can find it later, and hopefully it saves someone else the same digging I did.
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Use django extensions.
pip install django-extensions
./manage.py shell_plus --print-sql
For production environments it might not work due to debug settings.
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Rob Hudson’s Django Debug Toolbar, as well as its general awesomness, also includes a pretty nifty debugsqlshell
manage.py command which does exactly this.
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If you’re really serious about wanting to see/log all SQL queries, you’ll want to try Django 1.3 (currently in alpha, but soon to be production) which enables Python loggers for many components, including the database backends.
Of course, if you’re stuck using a stable version of Django, you can get the same effect relatively easily by patching django/db/models/sql/compiler.py
by adding this to the bottom of the import list:
import logging
_querylogger = logging.getLogger( 'sql.compiler' )
The find the SQLCompiler::execute_sql()
method and change:
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql, params )
to this:
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
_querylogger.info( "%s <= %s", sql, params )
cursor.execute( sql, params )
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Just to mention another option – I’ve made the django-sql-sniffer
tool so that it can attach to any running Python process and monitor/analyze SQL execution coming from Django ORM.
As such it can also be used to monitor queries coming from a Python shell process (see github page for the demo video):
- open shell and get process ID:
In [1]: import os
In [2]: os.getpid()
Out[2]: 99688
- attach
in another tab (and in this case specify the tail mode to follow the queries live)
$ django-sql-sniffer -p 99688 -t
- go back to your shell and start executing queries
In [3]: cat library/models.py
from django.db import models
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=100)
author = models.ForeignKey('Author', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Author(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
In [4]: from library.models import *
In [5]: books = Book.objects.all()
In [6]: len(books) # better use count
Out[6]: 121000
In [7]: book = books.first() # query set not ordered, will hit db again
In [8]: book = books.first() # query set not ordered, will hit db again
In [9]: book = books.first() # query set not ordered, will hit db again
In [10]: book.author.id # better use author_id
Out[10]: 1
In [11]: Book.objects.filter(author__first_name__startswith='A').count() > 0
Out[11]: True
In [12]: Book.objects.filter(author__first_name__startswith='A').exists()
Out[12]: True
- the tool prints the raw queries as they get executed
Count: 1; Duration: 0.002211809; Max Duration: 0.002211809; Query:
SELECT "library_book"."id",
FROM "library_book"
Count: 1; Duration: 0.000240326; Max Duration: 0.000240326; Query:
SELECT "library_book"."id",
FROM "library_book"
ORDER BY "library_book"."id" ASC
Count: 2; Duration: 0.000150919; Max Duration: 0.000240326; Query:
SELECT "library_book"."id",
FROM "library_book"
ORDER BY "library_book"."id" ASC
Count: 3; Duration: 0.000187874; Max Duration: 0.000240326; Query:
SELECT "library_book"."id",
FROM "library_book"
ORDER BY "library_book"."id" ASC
Count: 1; Duration: 0.000919104; Max Duration: 0.000919104; Query:
SELECT "library_author"."id",
FROM "library_author"
WHERE "library_author"."id" = %s
Count: 1; Duration: 0.040677071; Max Duration: 0.040677071; Query:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count"
FROM "library_book"
INNER JOIN "library_author"
ON ("library_book"."author_id" = "library_author"."id")
WHERE "library_author"."first_name" LIKE %s ESCAPE '\'
Count: 1; Duration: 0.002345800; Max Duration: 0.002345800; Query:
SELECT (1) AS "a"
FROM "library_book"
INNER JOIN "library_author"
ON ("library_book"."author_id" = "library_author"."id")
WHERE "library_author"."first_name" LIKE %s ESCAPE '\'
- finally, hit
Ctrl + C
to stop the tool and get an analysis of all captured queries
____ ___ _ ____ _____ _ _____ ____
/ ___| / _ \ | | / ___||_ _| / \ |_ _|/ ___|
\___ \ | | | || | \___ \ | | / _ \ | | \___ \
___) || |_| || |___ ___) | | | / ___ \ | | ___) |
|____/ \__\_\|_____| |____/ |_|/_/ \_\|_| |____/
Django SQL Sniffer v1.0.0
Count: 1; Max Duration: 0.040677071; Combined Duration: 0.040677071; Query:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count"
FROM "library_book"
INNER JOIN "library_author"
ON ("library_book"."author_id" = "library_author"."id")
WHERE "library_author"."first_name" LIKE %s ESCAPE '\'
Count: 1; Max Duration: 0.002345800; Combined Duration: 0.002345800; Query:
SELECT (1) AS "a"
FROM "library_book"
INNER JOIN "library_author"
ON ("library_book"."author_id" = "library_author"."id")
WHERE "library_author"."first_name" LIKE %s ESCAPE '\'
Count: 1; Max Duration: 0.002211809; Combined Duration: 0.002211809; Query:
SELECT "library_book"."id",
FROM "library_book"
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