[Fixed]-Django session key changing upon authentication


In settings.py

SESSION_ENGINE = 'youapp.session_backend'

in directory youapp in file session_backend.py

from django.contrib.sessions.backends.db import SessionStore as DbSessionStore

class SessionStore(DbSessionStore):
    def cycle_key(self):

And session not changed after login


While the approach suggested by nnmware may work for this particular case, there is a better one.

Instead of just doing nothing inside cycle_key, we should call the super method and then save the session.

Because if you look inside the original cycle_key function you will see that the data from the old session is copied to the new one, but is not actually saved.

In settings.py

SESSION_ENGINE = 'yourapp.session_backend'

Check that SESSION_ENGINE is pointing at a module (.py file), but not to the backend class!

Now, in your ‘yourapp/session_backend.py’ do the following:

from django.contrib.sessions.backends.db import SessionStore as DbSessionStore

class SessionStore(DbSessionStore):
    def cycle_key(self):
        super(SessionStore, self).cycle_key()


One of the solutions would also be to update old session data in the Session store:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.contrib.sessions.backends.db import SessionStore as DbSessionStore
from shop.models.cart import Cart

class SessionStore(DbSessionStore):
    def cycle_key(self):
        old_session_key = super(SessionStore, self).session_key
        super(SessionStore, self).cycle_key()

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