[Answer]-Django – separate apps on different uwsgi instances – share code between them


First things first: having django REST in your application doesn’t obligate you to use it’s serializers and views, you can mix it with normal django views and REST api views.

And yes, you can serve 2 separate web applications (that is not django apps) from one project. When you create new project using default template, django will create for you one serving (that is how I call them) app, with name of your project. You can create another one inside same project, add same apps in settings, configure it to use same database as main one, use different urlpatterns (and views) and serve it on another uwsgi process (or group of processes). There is only issue with having only one manage.py, but if both of your serving apps are using same database and same models, only urls and views differs, you can manage both apps at once, using only one manage.py for them.

Or you can just create separate settings and wsgi files, but in one serving app folder. It’s totally up to you how you will arrange it.

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